I am from a home with homemade play dough and playing school. I am from hours in a big sandbox and weeding the garden.
I am from helping cook and long summer nights playing night games like stranger or no bears.
I am from braces on my teeth, glasses on my face and endless pigtails. I am from 2 sisters and 2 brothers who love me and have shared many memories.
I am from the mom that is an amazing cook and seamstress. I am from the dad that taught me how to work hard and enjoy the blessings of doing so.
I am from the fun summers of playing at my grandparents in the irrigation water and eating eskimo pies in the gazebo. I am from the years of family camp outs and fun vacations.
I am from going to the girls home every summer and hiking to willard peak. I am from many aunts and uncles who share love and concern for me.
I am from homemade spudnuts and Lawrence Welk with grandma Ida and butterscotch candies and feeding cows cucumbers with grandpa Ben.
I am from orange soda pop and candy to milkshakes and cow auctions with grandpa Glen.
I am from crafts and UEA's and lemon custard with grandma Joyce. Spending time laughing with 2 close cousins and visiting great grandma in the nursing home.
I am from a bee keeper with a big heart that plays the harmonica and sings so sweetly. From a man suffering everyday to keep going from the cancer that infects him.
I am from hiking the mountain and cutting down Christmas trees to homemade Halloween costumes that take first place!
I am from many backyards of playing colored eggs,tag and jumping on the trampoline. From going to the country store and buying penny candies
I am from an amazing home ward where my dad was respected as bishop and where I sang in a great choir of angels.
I am from hours of playing in the marching band and finding the values I hold dear this day.
I am from many lessons piano, tennis, bowling, choirs ,swimming that have taught me skills I need.
I am from old journals kept by my parents and endless picture albums. To completed baby books and journal jars.
I am from many memories but these are the ones I share with you. I am from hard work and the present as I continue on life's journey.
I am the American dream from broken despair and gained hope
I am the present, past, and future history in the making.