Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Groundhog Day!

I am sorry I havent posted anything for awhile as far as adventures or pictures. I am in the recipe mode so I have been doing lots of those. To all the cooks out there it has been a great thing:) I am busy in search of a job and it has been very time consuming and overwhelming. I am hoping to find something soon but with the economy the way it is that is hard to do. I will try and get something exciting written soon but until then enjoy the recipes!:)


Paula said...

Hi Angie
I was glad to hear you arrived safely and are getting settled in your new place. Good luck with the job hunt...It's a rough time right now...but I know you will find something soon. Thanks for posting the recipes. I tried the sweet and sour chicken the other night and it was a big hit!
Hang in there
Love you

Dawn said...

Angie!!!! I miss you tons and tons and tons!!!!! I hope things are going well and the job hunt is increasingly more productive. I think of you often!
