Sunday, December 18, 2011

Zoo lights!

It has been a very busy month! My calendar can't hold too much more. I have done lots of fun things this month so I have a few posts to do. My friend really wanted to go to the zoo for her birthday. I was really wondering about her since its in December! She told me about the zoo lights so I was curious to see what it was like. So we went and it was really pretty! There were so many lights everywhere that I could have put 50 pictures on here easy! They had a fun train ride but it was really cold and my feet were getting numb. They didn't have any of the animals out so that was kind of sad. We did see a few monkey's and other things that were in an indoor setting.They had these different character's walking around that you could take your picture with. They always had a bunch of people with them so I was happy to catch Rudolph just coming out and nobody was around! It was really fun but next year I am going to dress warmer!

1 comment:

Ryan Cowley said...

They do that here and I've always wondered what it would be like. Looks pretty cool!