Thursday, March 10, 2011

Crazy Weather!

We are having the craziest weather these days. A couple weeks ago we had snow and when I say that I mean a skiff. To people that are not use to the stuff its a major school and business closure waiting to happen! It got really cold down in the teens and I almost thought I was in Utah! This last week and a half we have had sun and then pouring rain. When I say pouring I am not kidding it sounded like someone was throwing buckets of water at the house. Even with all the craziness I have noticed that the flowers are bound and determined to show themselves! I cant wait for spring to come and everything start blooming!


Ryan Cowley said...

Did you take the pics? Gorgeous!

Angie said...

nope I cant take credit. I did see a great double rainbow when I was driving so it inspired me to do this post.

Mumsy said...

What I wouldn't give for a daffodil right now. We are enjoying springlike weather in Utah, but when I look outside I still see snow, snow, snow : ( Mumsy

Alex and Anna said...

Beautiful! Angie I hope you are enjoying life up there and doing well!! miss u