Thursday, October 18, 2012

this and that

Since I haven't been really good on this blog I thought I would update it. My roommate Trish is in Hawaii soaking up the sun and enjoying family. I wish I was there with her, especially this weekend when she goes through the temple for the first time. We will have to go when she gets back home. I have been looking for a new job for awhile now. My job is good and I love the people but its time to move on. I just needed to get out of the rut. There is alot of drama at my work and its hard to stay positive. I also just got a new schedule making me work 12 hours shifts on the weekends. They cut my other shifts way back so I only have 30 hours. I just couldn't survive doing that. I have missed almost a month of church and it has really taken a toll on me. I was blessed to be able to find a new job. Its going to be the same hours but they are looking into getting me more. Its at a retirement home not assited living so that will be nice. The people all have their own apartments and we just have to cook lunch for them.I am excited to start this new journey and I really hope it works out for me. I also have so many different things on my plate getting ready for the holidays. Lots of fun projects that I just need to focus on and get done! So that is about all for now but I am going to try and stay up with this blog. Oh and the pictures from the reunion on the post down from this came from my aunt Paula's blog:)Except the last one its mine.

1 comment:

REBYRYAN said...

Hope you love your new job! Thanks for the nudge to get my blog updated! I needed it!